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My Services

I provide a wide range of Educational Psychology services to adults, children and families, schools, and other professionals...


EHCP & Access Arrangements Assessments

Is your child experiencing learning needs and you feel they may need an EHCP?

Children Reading the Holy Bible

Dyslexia & Dyscalculia Assessments

Difficulties with literacy and numeracy are common and nothing anyone should be ashamed of. Getting the right support is the key...

Image by Christina @

Professional Supervision & Consultation

Are you stuck with an issue and unsure how to move forward? Supervision and/or consultation may help...

City Map with Braille

Where I Work

I am based in Islington, north London, and I have a practice at...


Brighter Spaces Islington, 2A Prebend Street, London, N1 8PT


I provide services nationally across the UK (including Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland).


I am also happy to travel and work with international schools across Europe.


I provide many services virtually, via teleconference (i.e., Microsoft Teams). This is a service I provide globally (with the exception of the USA and Canada).

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